Two people work in a garden in Bolivia. There are two children in the background

Flourishing farms

In the face of climate change, we’re building gardens. Working with our local partners in both rural and urban communities, we support water harvesting, sustainable farming and food security.

A woman in a face mask holds a poster and speaks to a group of people who are sitting.

Peace for families

Working with parents on gender equality and providing care and legal support for victims of sexual violence, our partners are restoring peace to families. 

Six people pose together for a photo

Serving communities

Our two-year service program, Seed, invites young adults to live and learn in community. Working with local partners and churches, they address oppression, food insecurity, access to education and more.

Stories from Bolivia

What does sustainable farming look like in an urban context? How does the diversity of the Seed program create a richer learning experience?

Hear from MCC partners working on the ground in Bolivia to build a brighter future for all.

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Every donation makes a difference. Show your support for global neighbors in Bolivia.