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For $7 per month, you can feed one family for a day.

A woman receiving relief supplies

What is Share Your Table?

Share Your Table is a monthly giving program available in Canada that provides emergency food to families when they need it most. For a gift of just $7 per month, you can feed a family of five for a day. Will you share your table?

Every month...

An icon of a heart over a globe icon

Your kindness will rush around the globe, providing emergency food to children and families in need.

An illustration of a smart phone and a letter zooming out of it

In return, you’ll receive an exclusive email updating you on the impact of your gift. This might be a video, a recipe or something else that connects you to the people you support. 

"We're blessed to raise our son in a safe, stable community and we know that not everyone has that opportunity. By giving monthly we can show support and solidarity to parents who are struggling to secure basic things like food and security for their children."

Luke & Janet

Monthly donors since 2019

Ready to join?

For $7 per month, you can feed one family for a day.