Water, sanitation and hygiene in Chad

MCC partner Catholic Relief Services support three camps and 30 villages in southern Chad that house more than 24,000 returnees. The term "returnees" does not imply the people returned to Chad by their own choice. Many of this group lived in Central African Republic (CAR) all of their lives. They were chased out of CAR by targeted violence because they are descendants of Chadians and are considered "outsiders" by some.  

One way MCC and Catholic Relief Services support these communities is through water, sanitation and hygiene programs, including the installation of community water pumps.

How you can help

Donations to support the ongoing work of MCC, including its work in response to COVID-19, can be designated to “where needed most.” Also, material resources centers continue to accept donations of kits, kit supplies and comforters.

Give a gift of water

Every donation makes a difference.